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Text File | 1997-02-23 | 50.6 KB | 1,343 lines |
- Root RAID HOWTO cookbook
- Michael A. Robinton, michael@bzs.org <mailto:michael@bzs.org>
- v1.06, 12 February 1998
- This document provides a cookbook for creating a root mounted raid
- filesystem and companion fallback rescue system using linux initrd.
- There are complete step-by-step instruction for a raid1 md0 device.
- Each step is accompanied by an explanation of it's purpose. This pro¡
- cedure may be used for all the other raid structures with minor modi¡
- fications.
- 1. Introduction
- The reader is assumed to be familiar with the various types of raid
- implementations, their advantages and drawbacks. This is not a
- tutorial, just a set of instructions on how to implement root mounted
- raid on a linux system. All of the information necessary to become
- familiar with linux raid is listed here directly or by reference,
- please read it before send e-mail questions.
- 1.1. Where to get Up-to-date copies of this document.
- Available in LaTeX (for DVI and PostScript), plain text, and HTML.
- sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/>
- Available in SGML and HTML.
- ftp.bizsystems.com/pub/raid/
- <ftp://ftp.bizsystems.com/pub/raid/>
- 1.2. Bugs
- As of this writing, the problem of stopping a root mounted RAID device
- has not yet been solved in a satisfactory way. A work-around proposed
- by Ed Welbon and implemented by Bohumil Chalupa is incorporated into
- this document which eliminates the need for a long ckraid at each boot
- for raid1 and raid5 devices. Without the workaround, it is necessary
- to ckraid the md device each time the system is re-booted. On a large
- array this can cause a severe availability performance degradation.
- On my 6 gig RAID1 device running on a Pentium 166 with 128 megs of
- ram, it takes well over half an hour to ckraid :-( after each re-boot.
- The workaround stores the status of the array at shutdown on the real
- boot device and compares it to a reference status placed there when
- the system is first built. If the status's match at reboot, the
- superblock on the array is rebuilt on the next boot, otherwise the
- operator is notified of the status error and the rescue system is left
- running with all the raid tools available.
- Rebuilding the superblock causes the system to ignore that the array
- was powered down without mdstop by marking all the drives as OK, as if
- nothing happened. This only works if all the drives are OK at
- shutdown. If the array was operating with a bad drive, the operator
- must remove the bad drive prior to restarting the md device or the
- data can be corrupted.
- None of this applies to raid0 which does not have to be mdstopped
- before shutdown.
- Final proposed solutions to this problem include a finalrd similar to
- initrd, and mdrootstop which writes the clean flags to the array
- during shutdown when it is mounted read only. I am sure there are
- others.
- In the mean time, the problem has been by-passed for now Please let me
- know when this problem is solved more cleanly!!!
- 1.3. Acknowledgements
- The writings and e-mail from the following individuals helped to make
- this document possible. Many of the ideas were stolen from the
- helpful work of others, I have just tried to put it all in COOKBOOK
- form so that it is straightforward to use. My thanks to:
- ╖ Linas Vepstas <mailto:linas@linas.org>
- for the RAID howto that explained most of this to me.
- ╖ Gadi Oxman <mailto:gadio@netvision.net.il>
- for answering my dumb 'newbie' questions.
- ╖ Ed Welbon <mailto:welbon@bga.com>
- for the execellent initrd.md package that inspired me to write
- this.
- ╖ Bohumil Chalupa <mailto:bochal@apollo.karlov.mff.cuni.cz> for
- implementing the re-boot 'workaround' that allows root-mounted-raid
- to work in a production environment.
- ╖ and many others who contributed to this work in one way or another.
- 1.4. Copyright Notice
- This document is GNU copyleft by Michael Robinton michael@bzs.org
- <mailto:michael@bzs.org>.
- Permission to use, copy, distribute this document for any purpose is
- hereby granted, provided that the author's / editor's name and this
- notice appear in all copies and/or supporting documents; and that an
- unmodified version of this document is made freely available. This
- document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, either expressed or implied. While every effort
- has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information documented
- herein, the author / editor / maintainer assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for
- any errors, or for any damages, direct or consequential, as a result
- of the use of the information documented herein.
- 2. What you need BEFORE YOU START
- The packages you need and the documentation that answers the most
- common questions about setting up and running raid are listed below.
- Please review them throughly.
- 2.1. Required Packages
- You need to obtain the most recent versions of these packages.
- ╖ a linux kernel that supports raid, initrd and /dev/loopx
- I used linux-2.0.32
- <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/kernel/> from sunsite
- ╖ raid145-971022-2.0.31
- <ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/> patch adds support
- for raid1/4/5
- ╖ raidtools-pre3-0.42 <ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/>
- tools to create and maintain raid devices (documentation too).
- ╖ linuxthreads-0.71
- <ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/cristal/Xavier.Leroy> required
- threads package. Use ftp, browser doesn't work
- ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/Projects/cristal/Xavier.Leroy
- ╖ A Linux distribution, ready to install.
- I used Slackware-3.4 <ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux> avail¡
- able everywhere.
- The detailed instructions in this document are based on the above
- packages. If the packages have been updated or you use a different
- linux distribution, you may have to modify the procedures you find
- here.
- The patches, tool assortment, etc... may vary with 2.1 kernels.
- Please check the most recent documentation at:
- ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/
- <ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/>
- 2.2. Other similar implementations.
- I chose to include in the kernel all of the pieces necessary to run
- from boot without loading any modules. My kernel image is a little
- over 300k compressed.
- Take a look at Ed Welbon's <mailto:welbon@bga.com> initrd.md.tar.gz
- for another way to make a bootable raid device. He uses loadable
- modules. A look at his concise scripts will show you how it is done
- if you need a very small kernel with modules.
- http://www.realtime.net/~welbon/initrd.md.tar.gz
- <http://www.realtime.net/~welbon/initrd.md.tar.gz>
- 2.3. Documentation -- Recommended Reading
- Please read:
- /usr/src/linux/Documentation/initrd.txt
- as well as the documentation and man pages that accompany the
- raidtools set. In particular, read man mdadd as well as the
- QuickStart.RAID document included in the raidtools package.
- 2.4. RAID resources
- ╖ sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/mini/Software-RAID
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/mini/Software-RAID>
- ╖ www.ssc.com/lg/issue17/raid.html
- <http://www.ssc.com/lg/issue17/raid.html>
- ╖ linas.org/linux/raid.html <http://linas.org/linux/raid.html>
- ╖ ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/
- <ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/daemons/raid/>
- ╖ www.realtime.net/~welbon/initrd.md.tar.gz
- <http://www.realtime.net/~welbon/initrd.md.tar.gz>
- ╖ luthien.nuclecu.unam.mx/~miguel/raid/
- <http://luthien.nuclecu.unam.mx/~miguel/raid/>
- Mailing lists can be joined at:
- ╖ majordomo@nuclecu.unam.mx <mailto:majordomo@nuclecu.unam.mx> send a
- message to subscribe raiddev
- send mail to: raiddev@nuclecu.unam.mx
- <mailto:raiddev@nuclecu.unam.mx>
- ╖ majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu <mailto:majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu> send
- a message to subscribe linux-raid
- send mail to: linux-raid@vger.rutgers.edu <mailto:linux-
- raid@vger.rutgers.edu> (this seems to be the most active list)
- 3. initrd Cookbook for root mounted RAID
- This is the procedure to make an 'initrd' ramdisk with rescue tools
- for raid.
- Specifically, this document referrs to a RAID1 implementation, however
- it is generally applicable to any raid scheme with a root mounted raid
- device.
- 3.1. Security Reminder
- The rescue file system may be used stand alone. Should your raid array
- fail to mount, you are left with the rescue system mounted and
- 3.2. Build the Kernel and Raid Tools
- The first thing that must be done is to patch and build your kernel
- and become familiar with the raid tools. Configure, mount and test
- your raid device(s). The details of how to do this are included in the
- raidtools package and briefly reviewed later in this document.
- 3.3. Build the initrd Rescue and Boot filesystem
- I used the Slackware-3.4 distribution to build both the Rescue/Boot
- filesystem and the filesystem for the production machine. Any linux
- distribution should work fine. If you use a different distribution,
- review the Slackware specific portion of this procedure and modify it
- to suit your needs.
- You can download the Slackware distribution from:
- ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/ <ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/>
- If you already have Slackware, you only need to download new
- I use loadlin to boot the kernel image and ramdisk from a dos
- partition. I chose to create a minimum ramdisk system using the
- Slackware 'setup' script followed by installing the 'linuxthreads'
- package and 'raidtools' over the clean Slackware installation on my
- ramdisk. I used the identical procedure to build the production
- system. So the rescue and production systems are very similar.
- This installation process gives me a 'bare' system (save a copy of the
- file) to which I overlay
- /lib/modules/2.x.x......
- /etc .... with a modified fstab
- /etc/rc.d
- /dev/md*
- from my current system to customize it for the particular kernel and
- machine that it is/will-be running on.
- This makes the boot/rescue system the same system that is running on
- the root mounted raid device, just skinnyed down a bit, while allowing
- the library, etc... revisions to always be current.
- 3.4. Start the STEP by STEP instructions
- From the root home directory (/root):
- cd /root
- mkdir raidboot
- cd raidboot
- Create a mountpoints to work on
- mkdir mnt
- mkdir mnt2
- Make a file large enough to do the file system install. This will be a
- lot larger than the final rescue file system. I chose 24 megs since
- 16 megs is not large enough
- dd if=/dev/zero of=build bs=1024k count=24
- associate the file with a loop device and generate an ext2 file system
- on the file
- losetup /dev/loop0 build
- mke2fs -v -m0 -L initrd /dev/loop0
- mount /dev/loop0 mnt
- 3.5. Install the distribution - Slackware Specific
- ``...skip Slackware Specific stuff'' and go to next section.
- Now that an empty filesystem is created and mounted, run "setup".
- Specify /root/raidboot/mnt
- as the 'target'. The source is whatever you normally install from.
- Select the packages you wish to install and proceed but DO NOT
- configure.
- Choose 'EXPERT' prompting mode.
- I chose 'A', 'AP, and 'N' installing only the minimum to run the
- system plus an editor I am familiar with (vi, jed, joe) that is
- reasonably compact.
- x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
- x x [X] aaa_base Basic filesystem, shell, and utils - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] bash GNU bash-1.14.7 shell - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] devs Device files found in /dev - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] etc System config files & utilities - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] shadow Shadow password suite - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] ide Linux 2.0.30 no SCSI (YOU NEED 1 KERNEL) x x
- x x [ ] scsi Linux 2.0.30 with SCSI (YOU NEED 1 KERNEL) x x
- x x [ ] modules Modular Linux device drivers x x
- x x [ ] scsimods Loadable SCSI device drivers x x
- x x [X] hdsetup Slackware setup scripts - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] lilo Boots Linux (not UMSDOS), DOS, OS/2, etc. x x
- x x [ ] bsdlpr BSD lpr - printer spooling system x x
- x x [ ] loadlin Boots Linux (UMSDOS too!) from MS-DOS x x
- x x [ ] pnp Plug'n'Play configuration tool x x
- x x [ ] umsprogs Utilities needed to use the UMSDOS filesystem x x
- x x [X] sysvinit System V-like INIT programs - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] bin GNU fileutils 3.12, elvis, etc. - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] ldso Dynamic linker/loader - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] ibcs2 Runs SCO/SysVr4 binaries x x
- x x [X] less A text pager utility - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] pcmcia PCMCIA card services support x x
- x x [ ] getty Getty_ps 2.0.7e - OPTIONAL x x
- x x [X] gzip The GNU zip compression - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] ps Displays process info - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] aoutlibs a.out shared libs - RECOMMENDED x x
- x x [X] elflibs The ELF shared C libraries - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] util Util-linux utilities - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] minicom Serial transfer and modem comm package x x
- x x [ ] cpio The GNU cpio backup/archiving utility x x
- x x [X] e2fsbn Utilities for the ext2 file system x x
- x x [X] find GNU findutils 4.1 x x
- x x [X] grep GNU grep 2.0 x x
- x x [ ] kbd Change keyboard mappings x x
- x x [X] gpm Cut and paste text with your mouse x x
- x x [X] sh_utils GNU sh-utils 1.16 - REQUIRED x x
- x x [X] sysklogd Logs system and kernel messages x x
- x x [X] tar GNU tar 1.12 - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] tcsh Extended C shell version 6.07 x x
- x x [X] txtutils GNU textutils-1.22 - REQUIRED x x
- x x [ ] zoneinfo Configures your time zone x x
- x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
- From the 'AP series, I use only 'JOE', and editor I like, and 'MC' a
- small and useful file management tool. You choose the utilities you
- will need on your system.
- x x [ ] ispell The International version of ispell x x
- x x [ ] jove Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs text editor x x
- x x [ ] manpgs More man pages (online documentation) x x
- x x [ ] diff GNU diffutils x x
- x x [ ] sudo Allow special users limited root access x x
- x x [ ] ghostscr GNU Ghostscript version 3.33 x x
- x x [ ] gsfonts1 Ghostscript fonts (part one) x x
- x x [ ] gsfonts2 Ghostscript fonts (part two) x x
- x x [ ] gsfonts3 Ghostscript fonts (part three) x x
- x x [ ] jed JED programmer's editor x x
- x x [X] joe joe text editor, version 2.8 x x
- x x [ ] jpeg JPEG image compression utilities x x
- x x [ ] bc GNU bc - arbitrary precision math language x x
- x x [ ] workbone a text-based audio CD player x x
- x x [X] mc The Midnight Commander file manager x x
- x x [ ] mt_st mt ported from BSD - controls tape drive x x
- x x [ ] groff GNU troff document formatting system x x
- x x [ ] quota User disk quota utilities x x
- x x [ ] sc The 'sc' spreadsheet x x
- x x [ ] texinfo GNU texinfo documentation system x x
- x x [ ] vim Improved vi clone x x
- x x [ ] ash A small /bin/sh type shell - 62K x x
- x x [ ] zsh Zsh - a custom *nix shell x x
- x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
- From the 'N' package I only loaded TCPIP. This isn't really neces¡
- sary, but is very handy and allows access to the network while working
- on a repair or update with the root raid array dismounted. TCPIP also
- contains 'biff' which is used by some of the applications in 'A'. If
- you don't install 'N' you might want to install the biff package any¡
- way.
- x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
- x x [ ] apache Apache WWW (HTTP) server x x
- x x [ ] procmail Mail delivery/filtering utility x x
- x x [ ] dip Handles SLIP/CSLIP connections x x
- x x [ ] ppp Point-to-point protocol x x
- x x [ ] mailx The mailx mailer x x
- x x [X] tcpip TCP/IP networking programs x x
- x x [ ] bind Berkeley Internet Name Domain server x x
- x x [ ] rdist Remote file distribution utility x x
- x x [ ] lynx Text-based World Wide Web browser x x
- x x [ ] uucp Taylor UUCP 1.06.1 with HDB && Taylor configs x x
- x x [ ] elm Menu-driven user mail program x x
- x x [ ] pine Pine menu-driven mail program x x
- x x [ ] sendmail The sendmail mail transport agent x x
- x x [ ] metamail Metamail multimedia mail extensions x x
- x x [ ] smailcfg Extra configuration files for sendmail x x
- x x [ ] cnews Spools and transmits Usenet news x x
- x x [ ] inn InterNetNews news transport system x x
- x x [ ] tin The 'tin' news reader (local or NNTP) x x
- x x [ ] trn 'trn' for /var/spool/news x x
- x x [ ] trn-nntp 'trn' for NNTP (install 1 'trn' maximum) x x
- x x [ ] nn-spool 'nn' for /var/spool/news x x
- x x [ ] nn-nntp 'nn' for NNTP (install 1 'nn' maximum) x x
- x x [ ] netpipes Network pipe utilities x x
- x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
- With the installation complete, say no to everything else (no to all
- configuration requests) and exit the script.
- 3.6. Install linux pthreads
- Now you must install the 'linuxthreads-0.71' library. I have included
- this diff for the linuxthreads Makefile rather than explain the
- details of the installation by hand. Save the original Makefile,
- apply the diff and then:
- cd /usr/src/linuxthreads-0.71
- patch
- make
- make install
- -------------------diff Makefile.old Makefile.raid-----------------
- 2a3,13
- > # If you are building "linuxthreads" for installation on a mount
- > # point which is not the "root" partition, redefine 'BUILDIR' to
- > # the mount point to use as the "root" directory
- > # You may wish to do this if you are building an 'initial ram disk'
- > # such as used with bootable root raid devices.
- > # REQUIRES ldconfig version 1.9.5 or better
- > # do ldconfig -v to check
- > #
- > BUILDIR=/root/raidboot/mnt
- >
- 81,82c92,93
- < install pthread.h $(INCLUDEDIR)/pthread.h
- < install semaphore.h $(INCLUDEDIR)/semaphore.h
- ---
- > install pthread.h $(BUILDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/pthread.h
- > install semaphore.h $(BUILDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/semaphore.h
- 84c95
- < test -f /usr/include/sched.h || install sched.h $(INCLUDEDIR)/sched.h
- ---
- > test -f $(BUILDIR)/usr/include/sched.h || install sched.h $(BUILDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/sched.h
- 86,89c97,103
- < install $(LIB) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- < install $(SHLIB) $(SHAREDLIBDIR)/$(SHLIB)
- < rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(SHLIB0)
- ---
- > install $(LIB) $(BUILDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$(LIB)
- > rm -f $(BUILDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$(SHLIB0)
- > ifneq ($(BUILDIR),)
- > ldconfig -r ${BUILDIR} -n $(SHAREDLIBDIR)
- > else
- 91c105,106
- < cd man; $(MAKE) MANDIR=$(MANDIR) install
- ---
- > endif
- > cd man; $(MAKE) MANDIR=$(BUILDIR)$(MANDIR) install
- 3.7. Install Raid Tools
- The next step is the installation of the raid tools. raidtools-0.42
- You must run the "configure" script to point the Makefile at the build
- directory for the ramdisk files
- cd /usr/src/raidtools-0.42
- configure --sbindir=/root/raidboot/mnt/sbin --prefix=/root/raidboot/mnt/usr
- make
- make install
- Now!! the Makefile for install is not quite right so do the following
- to clean up. This will be fixed in future releases so that the re-
- linking will not be necessary.
- Fix the make install error
- The file links specified in the Makefile at 'LINKS' must be removed
- and re-linked to operate properly.
- cd /root/raidboot/mnt/sbin
- ln -fs mdadd mdrun
- ln -fs mdadd mdstop
- 3.8. Remove un-needed directories and files from new filesystem.
- Delete the following directories from filesystem (CAUTION DON'T DELETE
- FROM YOUR RUNNING SYSTEM) it's easy to do, guess how I found out!!!
- cd /root/raidboot/mnt
- rm -r home/ftp/*
- rm -r lost+found
- rm -r usr/doc
- rm -r usr/info
- rm -r usr/local/man
- rm -r usr/man
- rm -r usr/openwin
- rm -r usr/share/locale
- rm -r usr/X*
- rm -r var/man
- rm -r var/log/packages
- rm -r var/log/setup
- rm -r var/log/disk_contents
- 3.9. Create /dev/mdx
- The last step simply copies the /dev/md* devices from the current file
- system onto the rescue file system. You could create these with
- mknode.
- cp -a /dev/md* /root/raidboot/mnt/dev
- 3.10. Create a bare filesystem suitable for initrd
- Now you have a clean re-useable filesystem ready for customization.
- Once customized, this file system can be used for rescue should the
- raid device(s) become corrupted and the raid tools needed to fix them.
- It will also be used to boot and root-mount the raid device by adding
- the linuxrc file which will be discussed next.
- Copy the file system to a smaller device for the initrd file, 16 megs
- should be large enough.
- Create the smaller file system and mount it
- cd /root/raidboot
- dd if=/dev/zero of=bare.fs bs=1024k count=16
- associate the file with a loop device and generate a ext2 file system
- on the file
- losetup /dev/loop1 bare.fs
- mke2fs -v -m0 -L initrd /dev/loop1
- mount /dev/loop1 mnt2
- Copy the 'build' file system to 'bare.fs'
- cp -a mnt/* mnt2
- Save the 'bare.fs' system before customization so later update is
- easy. The 'build' file system is no longer needed and may be deleted.
- cd /root/raidboot
- umount mnt
- umount mnt2
- losetup -d /dev/loop0
- losetup -d /dev/loop1
- rm build
- cp bare.fs rescue
- gzip -9 bare.fs
- 3.10.1. Create the BOOT/RESCUE initrd filesystem
- Now copy the system dependent items that match the kernel from the
- development platform, or you can manually modify the files in the
- rescue file system to match your target system.
- losetup /dev/loop0 rescue
- mount /dev/loop0 mnt
- Make sure your etc directory is clean of *~, core and log files. The
- next 2 commands creates some warning messages, ignore them.
- cp -dp /etc/* mnt/etc
- cp -dp /etc/rc.d/* mnt/etc/rc.d
- mkdir mnt/lib/modules
- cp -a /lib/modules/2.x.x mnt/lib/modules <--- your current 2.x.x
- Edit the following files to correct them for your rescue system.
- cd mnt
- Non-network
- etc/fstab comment out the mount of root and raid devices.
- etc/mdtab should work OK
- Network
- etc/hosts
- etc/resolv.conf
- etc/hosts.equiv and related files
- etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 correct ip#, mask, gateway, etc...
- etc/rc.d/rc.S remove entire section on file system status
- from:
- # Test to see if the root partition isread-only
- to but not including:
- # remove /etc/mtab* so that mount will .....
- This avoids the annoying warning that
- the ramdisk is mounted rw.
- etc/rc.d/rc.xxxxx others as required, see later on in this doc
- root/.rhosts if present
- home/xxxx/xxxx others as required
- WARNING: The above procedure moves your password and shadow
- files onto the rescue disk!!!!!
- WARNING: You may not wish to do this for security reasons.
- Create any directories for mounting /dev/disk... as may be required
- that are unique to your system. Mine need:
- cd /root/raidboot/mnt <--- initrd root
- mkdir dosa dos partition mount point
- mkdir dosc dos mirror mount point
- The rescue file system is complete!
- You will note upon examination of the files in the rescue file system,
- that there are still many files that could be deleted. I have not
- done this since it would overly complicate this procedure and most
- raid systems have adequate disk and memory. If you wish to skinny
- down the file system, go to it!
- 3.10.2. Making initrd boot the RAID device - linuxrc
- To make the rescue disk boot the raid device, you need only copy the
- executable script file:
- linuxrc
- to the root of the device.
- ---------------------- linuxrc --------------------
- #!/bin/sh
- # ver 1.07 2-12-98
- # mount the proc file system
- /bin/mount /proc
- # This may vary for your system.
- # Mount the dos partitions, try both
- # in case one disk is dead
- /bin/mount /dosa
- /bin/mount /dosc
- # Set a flag in case the raid status file is not found
- # then check both drives for the status file
- RAIDOWN="raidstat.ro not found"
- /bin/echo "Reading md0 shutdown status."
- if [ -f /dosa/linux/raidstat.ro ]; then
- RAIDOWN=`/bin/cat /dosa/linux/raidstat.ro`
- RAIDREF=`/bin/cat /dosc/linux/raidgood.ref`
- else
- if [ -f /dosc/linux/raidstat.ro ]; then
- RAIDOWN=`/bin/cat /dosc/linux/raidstat.ro`
- RAIDREF=`/bin/cat /dosc/linux/raidgood.ref`
- fi
- fi
- # Test for a clean shutdown with all disks operational
- if [ "${RAIDOWN} != ${RAIDREF}" ]; then
- echo "ERROR ${RAIDOWN}"
- # Use the next 2 lines to BAIL OUT and leave rescue running
- /bin/echo 0x100>/proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
- exit # leaving the error files in dosa/linux,etc...
- fi
- # The raid array is clean, proceed by removing
- # status file and writing a clean superblock
- /bin/rm /dosa/linux/raidstat.ro
- /bin/rm /dosc/linux/raidstat.ro
- /sbin/mkraid /etc/raid1.conf -f --only-superblock
- /bin/umount /dosa
- /bin/umount /dosc
- # Mount raid array
- echo "Mounting md0, root filesystem"
- /sbin/mdadd -ar
- # If there are errors - BAIL OUT and leave rescue running
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "RAID device has errors"
- # Use the next 3 lines to BAIL OUT
- /bin/rm /etc/mtab # remove bad mtab
- /bin/echo 0x100>/proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
- exit
- fi
- # else tell the kernel to switch to /dev/md0 as the /root device
- # The 0x900 value the device number calculated by:
- # 256*major_device_number + minor_device number
- /bin/echo 0x900>/proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
- # umount /proc to deallocate initrd device ram space
- /bin/umount /proc
- /bin/echo "/dev/md0 mounted as root"
- exit
- #------------------ end linuxrc ----------------------
- Add 'linuxrc' to initrd boot device
- cd /root/raidboot
- chmod 777 linuxrc
- cp -p linuxrc mnt
- 3.11. Modifying the rc-scripts for SHUTDOWN
- To complete the installation, modify the rc scripts to save the md
- status to the real root device when shutdown occurs.
- In slackware this is rc.0 -> rc.6
- I have modified Bohumil Chalupa's raid stop work-around slightly. His
- original solution is presented in ``Appendix A''.
- Since there are no linux partitions left on the production system
- except md0, the dos partitions are used to store the raidOK readonly
- status. I chose to write a file to each dos partition containing the
- status of the md array at shutdown and signifying that the md device
- has been remounted RO. This allows the system to be fail safe when one
- of the hard drives dies.
- I modified my rc.6 script to attempt dismount of the root raid1 array
- and any other raid device in mdtab. You may need slightly different
- scripts, but the basics should be the same. The complete rc.6 file is
- shown in ``Appendix B''.
- To capture the raid array shutdown status, just before the file
- systems are dismounted insert:
- RAIDSTATUS=`/bin/cat /proc/mdstat | /usr/bin/grep md0`
- After all the file systems are dismounted (the root file system
- # root device remains mounted RO
- # mount dos file systems RW
- mount -n -o remount,ro /
- echo "Writing RAID read-only boot FLAG(s)."
- mount -n /dosa
- mount -n /dosc
- # create raid mounted RO flag in duplicate
- # containing the shutdown status of the raid array
- echo ${RAIDSTATUS} > /dosa/linux/raidstat.ro
- echo ${RAIDSTATUS} > /dosc/linux/raidstat.ro
- umount -n /dosa
- umount -n /dosc
- # Stop all the raid arrays (except root)
- echo "Stopping raid"
- mdstop -a
- This will cleanly stop all raid devices except root. Root status is
- passed to the next boot in raidstat.ro.
- Copy the rc file to your new raid array, the rescue file system that
- is still mounted on /root/raidboot/mnt and the development system if
- it is on the same machine.
- Modify rescue etc/fstab as needed and make sure rescue mdtab is
- correct.
- Now copy the rescue disk to your dos partition and everything should
- be ready to boot the raid device as root.
- umount mnt
- losetup -d /dev/loop0
- gzip -9 rescue
- Copy rescue.gz to your dos partition.
- All that remains is to test the new file system by rebooting. See
- the loadlin parameters in my dos linux.bat file next.
- 3.12. Setting up loadlin boot for RESCUE and RAID
- The disks I chose for my system are much larger than those manageable
- by lilo. Therefore, I used loadlin to boot the system from a small dos
- partition with a mirror (copy) on the companion disk.
- My dos root system contains a small editor among the utilities so I
- can modify the boot parameters of loadlin if necessary, allowing me to
- reboot the linux system on my swap disk while testing.
- The dos system contains this tree for linux"
- c:\linux.bat
- c:\linux\loadlin.exe
- c:\linux\zimage
- c:\linux\rescue.gz
- c:\linux\raidgood.ref
- c:\linux\raidstat.ro (only at shutdown)
- ---------------------- linux.bat ---------------------------
- rem Sample DOS batch file to boot Linux.
- rem Start the LOADLIN process:
- rem c:\linux\loadlin c:\linux\zimage root=/dev/ram0 ro ramdisk_size=16384 initrd=c:\linux\rescue.gz mem=131072k
- c:\linux\loadlin c:\linux\zimage root=/dev/md0 ro ramdisk_size=16384 initrd=c:\linux\rescue.gz mem=131072k
- rem -- this is my development system -- it goes away later
- rem c:\linux\loadlin c:\linux\zimage root=/dev/hda3 ro noinitrd mem=131072k
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ***** >> NOTE!! the only difference between forcing the rescue system to
- run and the raid device mounting, is the loadlin parameter
- root=/dev/ram0 for the rescue system
- root=/dev/md0 for RAID
- With root=/dev/ram0 the RAID device will not mount
- and the rescue system will run unconditionally.
- If the RAID array fails, the rescue system is left mounted and running
- (this seems to fail sometimes, I don't know why, it works when the
- reset button is pushed but does not work with 'shutdown -r now').
- 4. Configuring the Production RAID system.
- 4.1. System specs.
- Motherboard: Iwill P55TU dual ide + adaptec scsi
- Processor: Intel P200
- Disks: 2 ea. Maxtor 7 gig eide
- The disk drives are designated by linux as 'hda' and 'hdc'
- 4.2. Partitioning the hard drives.
- Since testing a large root mountable RAID array is difficult because
- of the re-boot problem, I re-partitioned my swap space to include a
- smaller RAID partition for testing purposes. You may find this
- helpful.
- /dev/hda1 dos 16meg
- * /dev/hda2 extended 126m
- /dev/hda3 linux 126m root partition during development
- /dev/hda4 linux 6+gig raid1
- * /dev/hda5 linux 26m test raid1
- * /dev/hda6 linux swap 100m
- /dev/hdc1 is simply an exact copy of hda1 so the
- partion can be made active if hda fails
- * /dev/hdc2 extended 126m
- /dev/hdc3 linux 126m /usr/src during development
- /dev/hdc4 linux 6+gig raid1 mirror
- * /dev/hdc5 linux 26m test raid1 mirror
- * /dev/hdc6 linux swap 100m
- /dev/hda1 dos 16meg
- /dev/hda2 linux swap 126m
- /dev/hda3 linux swap 126m
- /dev/hda4 linux 6+gig raid1
- /dev/hdc1 is simply an exact copy of hda1
- /dev/hdc2 linux swap 126m
- /dev/hdc3 linux swap 126m
- /dev/hdc4 linux 6+gig raid1 mirror
- The hdx3 partitions were switched to 'swap' after developing this
- utility. I could have done it on another machine, however, the
- libraries and kernels are all about a year or more out of date on my
- other linux boxes and I preferred to build it on the target machine.
- I chose to partition this way and use lodlin rather than lilo because
- 1. The main partition (6 gig) is to large to accomodate booting with
- lilo alone and would have required an additional smaller partition
- located within the first 1024 disk addresses.
- 2. In the event that one drive fails catastrophically, the system must
- continue to run and be bootable with minimum effort and NO data
- loss.
- ╖ If either hard drive fails, the boot will abort, and the rescue
- system will run. Examination of the screen message or
- /dosx/linux/raidstat.ro will tell the operator the status of the
- failed array.
- ╖ If hda fails, the dos partition on hdc must be made 'active' and
- the bios must recognize hdc as the boot device or it must be
- physically be moved to the hda position by re-cableing. The raid
- system can then be made active again by removing the failed drive
- and issuing:
- "/sbin/mkraid /etc/raid1.conf -f --only-superblock"
- to rebuild the remaining superblock.
- ╖ Once this is done, then
- mdadd -ar
- ╖ Examine the status of the array to verify that everything is OK
- then replace the good array reference with the current status until
- the failed disk can be repaired or replaced.
- cat /proc/mdstat | grep md0 > /dosa/linux/raidgood.ref
- shutdown -r now
- to do a clean reboot, and the system is up again.
- 5. Building the RAID file system.
- This description is for my RAID1 system described in the system specs.
- Your system may have a different RAID architecture, so modify as
- appropriate. Please read the man pages and QuickStart.RAID that come
- with the raidtools-0.42 My /etc/raid1.conf contains:
- # raid-1 configuration
- raiddev /dev/md0
- raid-level 1
- nr-raid-disks 2
- nr-spare-disks 0
- device /dev/hda4
- raid-disk 0
- device /dev/hdc4
- raid-disk 1
- 5.1. Step by Step procedures for building production RAID file sys¡
- tem.
- For my RAID1 system I did a complete install of:
- Slackware-3.4
- linuxthreads-0.71
- raidtools-0.42
- linux-2.0.32 with raid145 patch
- Create and format the raid device.
- mkraid /etc/raid1.conf
- mdcreate raid1 /dev/md0 /dev/hda4 /dev/hdc4
- mdadd -ar
- mke2fs /dev/md0
- mkdir /md
- mount -t ext2 /dev/md0 /md
- Create the reference files that reboot will use, this may be different
- on your system.
- cat /proc/mdstat | grep md0 > /dosa/linux/raidgood.ref
- cat /proc/mdstat | grep md0 > /dosc/linux/raidgood.ref
- Use Slackware-3.4 or another distribution to build your OS
- setup
- Specify '/md' as the target, and the source whatever your normally
- use. Select and install the disksets of interest except for the ker¡
- nel. Configure the system, but skip the section on lilo and kernel
- booting. Exit setup.
- Install 'pthreads'
- cd /usr/src/linuxthreads-0.71
- edit the Makefile and specify
- make
- make install
- Install 'raidtools'
- cd /usr/src/raidtools-0.42
- configure --sbindir=/md/sbin --prefix=/md/usr
- fix the raidtools make install error
- cd /md/sbin
- rm mdrun
- rm mdstop
- ln -s mdadd mdrun
- ln -s mdadd mdstop
- Create /dev/mdx
- cp -a /dev/md* /md/dev
- Add the system configuration from the current system (ignore errors).
- cp -dp /etc/* mnt/etc
- cp -dp /etc/rc.d/* mnt/etc/rc.d (include the new rc.6)
- mkdir mnt/lib/modules
- cp -a /lib/modules/2.x.x mnt/lib/modules <--- your current 2.x.x
- Edit the following files to correct them for your file system
- cd /md
- Non-network
- etc/fstab correct for real root and raid devices.
- etc/mdtab should work OK
- Network
- etc/hosts
- etc/resolv.conf
- etc/hosts.equiv and related files
- etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 correct ip#, mask, gateway, etc...
- etc/rc.d/rc.S remove entire section on file system status
- from:
- # Test to see if the root partition isread-only
- to but not including:
- # remove /etc/mtab* so that mount will .....
- This avoids the annoying warning that
- the ramdisk is mounted rw.
- etc/rc.d/rc.xxxxx others as required
- root/.rhosts if present
- home/xxxx/xxxx others as required
- WARNING: The above procedure moves your password and shadow
- files onto the new file system!!!!!
- WARNING: You may not wish to do this for security reasons.
- Create any directories for mounting /dev/disk... as may be required
- that are unique to your system. Mine need:
- cd /md <--- new file system root
- mkdir dosa dos partition mount point
- mkdir dosc dos mirror mount point
- The new file system is complete. Make sure and save the md reference
- status to the 'real' root device and you are ready to boot.
- mount the dos partitions on dosa and dosc
- cat /proc/mdstat | grep md0 > /dosa/linux/raidgood.ref
- cat /proc/mdstat | grep md0 > /dosc/linux/raidgood.ref
- mdstop /dev/md0
- 6. One last thought.
- Remember that an expert is someone who knows at least 1% more than you
- do about a subject. Bear this in mind when you e-mail me for help.
- I'll try, but I've only done this once!
- Michael Robinton Michael@bzs.org <mailto:michael@bzs.org>
- 7. Appendix A. - Bohumil Chalupa's md0 shutdown
- Bohumil Chalupa's post to the linux raid list on the work around for
- the raid1 + 5 mdstop problem. His solution does not address the
- possibility of the raid device being corrupt at shutdown. So I have
- added a simple status comparison to a good reference status at boot.
- This allows the operator to intervene if something is wrong with a
- disk in the array. The description of this is in the main body of this
- document.
- > From: Bohumil Chalupa <bochal@apollo.karlov.mff.cuni.cz>
- >
- > I can now boot initrd and use linuxrc to start the RAID1 array,
- > then successfully switch root to /dev/md0.
- >
- > I don't know, however, any way how to cleanly _stop_ the array.
- Well. I have to answer myself :-)
- > Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 02:21:38 -0600 (CST)
- > From: Edward Welbon <welbon@bga.com>
- > Subject: Re: dismounting root raid device
- >
- > For md devices other than raid0, there is probably state that needs to
- > be saved that is only known once all writes have completed. Such state
- > of course can't be saved to root once it is mounted readonly. In that
- > case, you would have to be able to mount a writeable filesystem "X"
- > on the readonly root and be able to write to "X" (I recall doing this
- > during "rescue" operations, but not as an automated procedure).
- >
- > The filesystem "X" would presumably be a boot device from which the raid
- > (during linuxrc exection via initrd) would pickup it's initial state from.
- > Fortunately raid0 isn't required to write out any state (though it would
- > be pleasant to be able to write the check sums to mdtab after an mdstop).
- > Eventually, I will fiddle with this but it doesn't seem difficult though
- > the "devil" is always in the "details".
- Yes, that's it.
- I had this idea in mind for some time already, but had no time to try it.
- Yesterday I did, and it works.
- With my RAID1 (mirror), I don't save any checksums or raid superblock data.
- I only save an information on the "real" boot partition, that the root md
- volume was remounted readonly during shutdown. Then, during boot, the
- linuxrc script runs mkraid --only-superblock when it finds this
- information; otherwise, it runs ckraid.
- This means, that the raid superblock information is not updated during
- shutdown; it's updated at the boot time.
- It is not very clean, I'm afraid, :-( but it works.
- I'm using Slackware and initrd.md by Edward Welbon to boot the root raid
- device.
- As far as I remember now, the only modified files are
- mkdisk and linuxrc, and /etc/rc.d/rc.6 shutdown script.
- And lilo.conf, of course.
- I'm appending the important parts.
- Bohumil Chalupa
- --------------- my.linuxrc follows -----------------
- #!/bin/sh
- # we need /proc
- /bin/mount /proc
- # start up the md0 device. let the /etc/rc.d scripts get the rest of them
- # we should do as little as possible here
- # ________________________________________
- # root raid1 shutdown test & recreation
- # /start must be created on the rd image in my.mkdisk
- echo "preparing md0: mounting /start"
- /bin/mount /dev/sda2 /start -t ext2
- echo "reading saved md0 state from /start"
- if [ -f /start/root.raid.ok ]; then
- echo "raid ok, modyfying superblock"
- rm /start/root.raid.ok
- /sbin/mkraid /etc/raid1.conf -f --only-superblock
- else
- echo "raid not clean, runing ckraid --fix"
- /sbin/ckraid --fix /etc/raid1.conf
- fi
- echo "unmounting /start"
- /bin/umount /start
- # _________________________________________
- #
- echo "adding md0 for root file system"
- /sbin/mdadd /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
- echo "starting md0"
- /sbin/mdrun -p1 /dev/md0
- # tell kernel we want to switch to /dev/md0 as root device, the 0x900 value
- # is arrived at via 256*major_device_number + minor_device number.
- echo "setting real-root-dev"
- /bin/echo 0x900>/proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
- # unmount /proc so that the ram disk can be deallocated.
- echo "unmounting /proc"
- /bin/umount /proc
- /bin/echo "We are hopefully ready to mount /dev/md0 (major 9, minor 0) as
- root"
- exit
- --------------- end of my.linuxrc ----------------------------------
- ----------- extract from /etc/rc.d/rc.6 follows -----------------
- # Turn off swap, then unmount local file systems.
- echo "Turning off swap."
- swapoff -a
- echo "Unmounting local file systems."
- umount -a -tnonfs
- # Don't remount UMSDOS root volumes:
- if [ ! "`mount | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 5`" = "umsdos" ]; then
- mount -n -o remount,ro /
- fi
- # Save raid state
- echo "Saving RAID state"
- /bin/mount -n /dev/sda2 /start -t ext2
- touch /start/root.raid.ok
- /bin/umount -n /start
- -------------- end of excerpt from rc.6 ------------------------
- ------------------ part of my.mkdisk follows ----------------------
- #
- # now we have the filesystem ready to be populated, we need to
- # get a few important directories. I had endless trouble till
- # I created a pristine mtab. In my case, it is convenient that
- # /etc/mdtab is copied over, this way I can activate md with
- # a simple "/sbin/mdadd -ar" in linuxrc.
- #
- cp -a $ROOT/etc $MOUNTPNT 2>cp.stderr 1>cp.stdout
- rm -rf $MOUNTPNT/etc/mtab
- rm -rf $MOUNTPNT/etc/ppp*
- rm -rf $MOUNTPNT/etc/termcap
- rm -rf $MOUNTPNT/etc/sendmail*
- rm -rf $MOUNTPNT/etc/rc.d
- rm -rf $MOUNTPNT/etc/dos*
- cp -a $ROOT/sbin $ROOT/dev $ROOT/lib $ROOT/bin $MOUNTPNT 2>>cp.stderr
- 1>>cp.stdout
- # _____________________________________________________________________
- # RAID: will need mkraid and ckraid
- cp -a $ROOT/usr/sbin/mkraid $ROOT/usr/sbin/ckraid $MOUNTPNT/sbin
- 2>>cp.stderr 1>>cp.stdout
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- # it seems that init wont come out to play unless it has utmp. this can
- # probably be pruned back alot. no telling what the real bug was 8-).
- #
- mkdir $MOUNTPNT/var $MOUNTPNT/var/log $MOUNTPNT/var/run $MOUNTPNT/initrd
- touch $MOUNTPNT/var/run/utmp $MOUNTPNT/etc/mtab
- chmod a+r $MOUNTPNT/var/run/utmp $MOUNTPNT/etc/mtab
- ln -s /var/run/utmp $MOUNTPNT/var/log/utmp
- ln -s /var/log/utmp $MOUNTPNT/etc/utmp
- ls -lstrd $MOUNTPNT/etc/utmp $MOUNTPNT/var/log/utmp $MOUNTPNT/var/run/utmp
- #
- # since I wanted to change the mount point, I needed this though
- # I suppose that I could have done a "mkdir /proc" in linuxrc.
- #
- mkdir $MOUNTPNT/proc
- chmod 555 $MOUNTPNT/proc
- #
- # ------------------------------------------------------
- # we'll mount the real boot device to /start temporarily
- # to check the root raid state saved at shutdown time
- #
- mkdir $MOUNTPNT/start
- # -------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # need linuxrc (it is, after all, the point of this exercise).
- #
- if [ -x ./my.linuxrc ]; then
- cp -a ./my.linuxrc $MOUNTPNT/linuxrc
- chmod 777 $MOUNTPNT/linuxrc
- else
- ln -s /bin/sh $MOUNTPNT/linuxrc
- fi
- #
- ----------------- part of my.mkdisk ends -----------------
- 8. Appendix B. - complete rc.0 -> rc.6 file
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # rc.6 This file is executed by init when it goes into runlevel
- # 0 (halt) or runlevel 6 (reboot). It kills all processes,
- # unmounts file systems and then either halts or reboots.
- #
- # Version: @(#)/etc/rc.d/rc.6 1.50 1994-01-15
- #
- # Author: Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels@drinkel.nl.mugnet.org>
- # Modified by: Patrick J. Volkerding, <volkerdi@ftp.cdrom.com>
- # Modified by: Michael A. Robinton, <michael@bzs.org> for RAID shutdown
- # Set the path.
- PATH=/sbin:/etc:/bin:/usr/bin
- # Set linefeed mode to avoid staircase effect.
- stty onlcr
- echo "Running shutdown script $0:"
- # Find out how we were called.
- case "$0" in
- *0)
- message="The system is halted."
- command="halt"
- ;;
- *6)
- message="Rebooting."
- command=reboot
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$0: call me as \"rc.0\" or \"rc.6\" please!"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- # Kill all processes.
- # INIT is supposed to handle this entirely now, but this didn't always
- # work correctly without this second pass at killing off the processes.
- # Since INIT already notified the user that processes were being killed,
- # we'll avoid echoing this info this time around.
- if [ "$1" != "fast" ]; then # shutdown did not already kill all processes
- killall5 -15
- killall5 -9
- fi
- # Try to turn off quota and accounting.
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/quotaoff ]
- then
- echo "Turning off quota."
- /usr/sbin/quotaoff -a
- fi
- if [ -x /sbin/accton ]
- then
- echo "Turning off accounting."
- /sbin/accton
- fi
- # Before unmounting file systems write a reboot or halt record to wtmp.
- $command -w
- # Save localtime
- [ -e /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime ] && cp /usr/lib/zoneinfo/localtime /etc
- # Asynchronously unmount any remote filesystems:
- echo "Unmounting remote filesystems."
- umount -a -tnfs &
- # you must have issued
- # 'cat /proc/mdstat | grep md0 > {your boot vol}/linux/raidgood.ref'
- # before linuxrc will execute properly with this info
- RAIDSTATUS=`/bin/cat /proc/mdstat | /usr/bin/grep md0 # capture raid status`
- # Turn off swap, then unmount local file systems.
- # clearing mdtab as well
- echo "Turning off swap."
- swapoff -a
- echo "Unmounting local file systems."
- umount -a -tnonfs
- # Don't remount UMSDOS root volumes:
- if [ ! "`mount | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 5`" = "umsdos" ]; then
- mount -n -o remount,ro /
- fi
- # root device remains mounted
- # mount dos file systems RW
- echo "Writing RAID read-only boot FLAG(s)."
- mount -n /dosa
- mount -n /dosc
- # create raid mounted RO flag in duplicate
- # containing the shutdown status of the raid array
- echo ${RAIDSTATUS} > /dosa/linux/raidstat.ro
- echo ${RAIDSTATUS} > /dosc/linux/raidstat.ro
- umount -n /dosa
- umount -n /dosc
- # Stop all the raid arrays (except root)
- echo "Stopping raid"
- mdstop -a
- # See if this is a powerfail situation.
- if [ -f /etc/power_is_failing ]; then
- echo "Turning off UPS, bye."
- /sbin/powerd -q
- exit 1
- fi
- # Now halt or reboot.
- echo "$message"
- [ ! -f /etc/fastboot ] && echo "On the next boot fsck will be FORCED."
- $command -f